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December 8, 1999
David B. Manno Resigns to
Take a Position in New York City
On December 8, 1999, David Manno left the Firm to
try practicing at a much larger firm in New York City. While we were sorry
to see David go, we think he was enthusiastic about the new challenges that
await him, and we wish him well in his new endeavors.
October 19-23, 1999
James P. Duffy, III, Speaks at
the NYSBA International Law and Practice
Section Fall Meeting Held in Budapest, Hungary
James P. Duffy, III, chaired a panel on Ethical
Dilemmas in Trans-border Transactions at the Fall meeting of the New York State
Bar Association International Law and Practice Section that was held in
Budapest, Hungary, in conjunction with the Hungarian Bar Association and other
professional groups. The meeting was attended by numerous attorneys from
both the United States and many other jurisdictions, including many of the
former Soviet Bloc nations. Persons attending the panel received
ethics credits towards their New York State Mandatory Continuing Legal Education
October 1, 1999
The Firm Moves to Bigger Quarters
At 585 Stewart Avenue in Garden City
Reflecting the growth of the Firm's New York
Office, the Firm relocated its New York Office to the Fifth Floor of 585 Stewart
Avenue in Garden City, New York. The building is a modern, seven story
building, adjoining the Roosevelt Field Center and is in the heart of one of
Long Island's most important commercial districts.
July 31, 1999
Erin Sarret Resigns to
Return to her Native California
Erin joined the firm's Monaco office earlier in
the year and moved her entire family to the South of France in the
process. Apparently, not all of her family had the same affection for the
South of France that Erin had, and, at the end of July she determined it was
necessary to go back to California with her daughter.
May 1, 1999
B&D Joins
The Appleton Legal Group
Through its Monaco Office
Firm joined The Appleton Legal
Group Legal Network, sometimes called TAGLaw, a worldwide source of reliable
legal experts when its Monaco office was invited to participate in this rapidly
growing and prestigious group of independent legal experts. Membership in
The Appleton Legal Group Legal Network, or TAGLaw, gives the Firm the ability to
collaborate as needed with other independent legal experts around the world to
serve better the needs of its growing list of international clients.
April 26, 1999
James P. Duffy, III, and Dennis C.
Carletta Visit Mexico to Begin the Setting
Up of the Firm's Formal Office in Mexico City
In recognition of the Firm's strong interests in
Mexico and Latin America, on Monday, April 26, 1999, Messrs. Duffy and Carletta
were in Mexico to begin the process of formally establishing the Firm's
permanent presence in Mexico City. Mr. Duffy noted that, since his
activities of Chairing the New York State Bar Association International Practice
Section Meeting in Mexico City in the Fall of 1991, the Firm has had a strong
interest in strengthening its Latin American practice with a formal presence in
the region. Mr. Duffy also served as one of the US negotiators of the
legal services provisions of NAFTA which also brought him into close contact
with Mexico. Mr. Carletta will play a leading role is assuring that
the Firm's presence will develop properly.
April 20, 1999
James P. Duffy, III, Elected to the Board
of Governors of the British American
Benevolent Association, Monte-Carlo, Monaco
At the Annual Meeting of the British American
Benevolent Association, a philanthropic organization based in
Monte-Carlo, Monaco, to aid indigent Americans and British on the Cote d'Azur,
James P. Duffy, III, was elected to its Board of Governors. The
Association provides grants to the various British and American benevolent
aid associations on the Cote d'Azur.
April 9, 1999
Dennis Carletta Goes to Yankees Home Opener!
Dennis has proven once again that he is the
greatest sports enthusiast in the Firm. He is also lucky enough to
have the right connections to be able to get tickets to all the best sporting
events, including, this year's Yankees' Home Opening Game at Yankee
Stadium. Dennis says it was a great game, and, more important, the Yankees
won. Dennis predicts it is another World Series year for the
March 19, 1999
James P. Duffy, III, Speaks at
ABA NAFTA Conference in San Antonio, Texas
Appearing by video link from the multimedia
center at the Gildo Pastor Center, James P. Duffy, III, spoke on Prospects for
the Joint-Licensing of Attorneys in North America at the American Bar
Association conference entitled "PRACTICING
PRACTICING LAW IN THE 21ST CENTURY". Mr. Duffy drew heavily on
his experience as one of the primary US negotiators for the Legal Services
provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA. The
Conference was simultaneously broadcast to Washington, D.C., and to New York,
New York, and was attended by several hundred attorneys specializing in
international law. Continuing Legal Education credit was given to
the attendees of the conference.
March 16, 1999
James P. Duffy, III, Elected President of the
American Benevolent Aid Association, Nice, France
At the Annual Meeting of the American Benevolent
Aid Association, a philanthropic organization based in Nice, France, to aid
indigent Americans on the Cote d'Azur, James P. Duffy, III, was elected
President. The Association provides support either in form of grants
or loans to assist indigent Americans with housing costs, repatriation to the
United States, or other emergency needs that can not be met from other
sources. Mr. Duffy formerly served as a Vice President of the
March 2, 1999
Monaco Office Obtains Favorable Court
Decision for Credit Bancorp, Ltd., Geneva
The Court of First Instance (Tribunal de Premiere
Instance or "TPI") rendered a very favorable decision in favor of
Monaco Office client, Credit Bancorp, Ltd., of Geneva, Switzerland ("CBL"),
in an action involving United European Bank, also of Geneva, Switzerland ("UEB"),
and the Monaco offices of Credit Commercial de France ("CCF") and
Citibank (which did not participate in the proceedings though named a
party). The decision is ancillary to a main dispute between UEB and CBL,
pending in the Geneva courts, over what CBL claims is the gross mishandling of a
transaction by Citibank. UEB had obtained an ex parte seizure order from
the TPI that effectively blocked more than US$ 15 million CBL had on deposit at
CCF. The TPI limited the seizure to about US$3 million and to
specific property. CBL had offered this solution to UEB at the outset, but
UEB refused CBL's offer.
March 1, 1999
James P. Duffy, III, Speaks at the Nassau County Bar
James P. Duffy, III, spoke today at the Dean's
Hour Presentation of the Nassau County Bar Association Academy of Law in a
program on the Euro that was jointly sponsored by the Nassau Bar's International
Law Committee of which Mr. Duffy was the founding Chair. Those attending
received one hour of MCLE credit under New York State's new mandatory continuing
legal education. The other panelist with Mr. Duffy was Paul Bodner,
another member of the Committee. Click the following link to see Mr.
Duffy's presentation. The Academy's
letter of acknowledgment may be found at the preceding link.
February 11, 1999
James P. Duffy, III, Participates in NAFTA
Conference at USTR Office in Washington, D.C.
On February 11, 1999, the United States Trade
Representative convened a meeting of the principal negotiators of the Tri-Bar
Joint Recommendation for the Legal Services provisions of NAFTA and a small
number of interested parties. Mr. Duffy attended as one of the
negotiators. The purpose of the meeting was to explore the next steps in
the approval process of the Joint Recommendation that the negotiators concluded
at the last negotiation session held in Mexico City this past June.
The Joint Recommendation has proven to be more controversial in the United
States than originally anticipated, and the USTR wanted to get more insight into
the background of the negotiations and the reasons for the provisions certain
interested parties felt were objectionable.
February 1, 1999
Erin D. Sarret Arrives at the Monaco Office
Erin D. Sarret, a member of the California Bar,
arrived at the Monaco office today. There are still some formalities she
needs to complete with the French and Monaco authorities before she can come on
board officially, but these matters should be completed shortly. Erin's
personal page is still under construction at this time, but, within a few days,
it should be up and running with more details about her. Erin will be
assuming the responsibilities as managing attorney for the Monaco
office. This is a challenging assignment for Erin, and we wish her
all the best.
January 31, 1999
Dennis Carletta Goes to Super Bowl!
Dennis is, without question, the greatest sports
enthusiast in the Firm. He is also lucky enough to have the right
connections to be able to get tickets to all the best sporting events, such as,
last Fall's World Series (he went to several of the games at Yankee Stadium) and
this year's Super Bowl. We were all strongly rooting for the Jets because
the Firm would have gotten its own tickets, but Dennis was able to go to the
Super Bowl anyway.
January 27, 1999
James P. Duffy, III, Re-elected Vice-Chair
of the International Law and Practice Section of
the New York State Bar Association
At the Annual Meeting of the International Law
and Practice Section, held at the Marriott Marquise Hotel in New
York, New York, as part of the Annual Meeting of the New
York State Bar Association, James P. Duffy, III, was re-elected Vice-Chair,
Communications, of the Section. Mr. Duffy was one of the founding
members of the Section and has served in senior leadership positions for many
years. Mr. Duffy was also re-elected a member of the Committee on Legal
Education and Admission to the Bar, a committee of the Bar that primarily
reviews the standards for admission to practice in New York.
January 26, 1999
James P. Duffy, III, Re-elected President of
The Riviera Committee of The American Chamber of Commerce in France
At a meeting held at the Unisys Conference Center
in St. Paul de Vence, France, conducted by Stephen Pierce, the new Executive
Director of The American Chamber of Commerce in France, who came from Paris for
the occasion James P. Duffy, III, was re-elected by acclamation as the president
of the Riviera Committee of the Chamber. Both Mr. Duffy and Mr.
Pierce expressed the desire to enhance the membership of the Chamber in the
region, and Mr. Pierce has committed to periodic visits to the region to assist
with recruiting efforts. Mr. Duffy also reported that, as he had restored
the Committee to solid financial health, the Committee would expand its practice
of awarding prizes to deserving students at area business schools and
international schools.
January 23, 1999
James P. Duffy, III, Re-elected
President of The American Club of the Riviera
James P. Duffy, III, along with the entire slate
of officers and governors proposed by the nominating committee was unanimously
re-elected president of The
American Club of the Riviera at a luncheon meeting held at the Chateau des
Ollieiers in Nice. Among the members and guests present were former
US Consul General of Nice, Peter Murphy and current US Consul of Marseilles,
Martha Melzow.
January 4-8, 1999
James P. Duffy, III, Again Teaches the
Graduate Business Law Seminar Course at the
University of Southern Europe, Monaco Business School
James P. Duffy, III, as he has for many years,
again taught the Graduate Seminar in Business Law at the University
of Southern Europe, Monaco Business School, in Monaco. The course
consisted of thirty-two hours of seminar and numbered thirty-six students from
approximately fifteen countries who are all studying for their Masters in
Business Administration.