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July 25, 2006
The Firm Moves Its New York Office
Although the Firm thought returning to 3000
Marcus Avenue where it had been for more than 17 years would be a positive step,
it quickly became evident that you cannot go back to the past.
Accordingly, the firm decided to take a fresh perspective and relocated its New
York office to 33 South Service Road, Suite 109, Jericho, New York 11753-1006.
The telephone number is +1 516 750-9760. The fax number is +1 516
750-9765. Commenting on the move, Mr. Duffy noted, "Following my
first wife's death, i thought it would be positive to return to a place where we
were during a very happy time in my life. I realize now that you cannot go
back. You have to go forward. This is moving forward again."
July 24, 2006
Berg and Duffy, LLP, "Sponsors" New Website about Mexico Law
The Firm announced today its sponsorship of a new
websites designed to heighten awareness about Mexico law. The new site,
called Mexico Lawyer,
seeks to collect useful information about the laws of Mexico, including the text
of the law in Spanish, an English translation, analysis, and comment.
July 24, 2006
Berg and Duffy, LLP, "Sponsors" New
Websites about Monaco and the French Riviera
The Firm announced today its sponsorship of a
series of new websites designed to heighten awareness about Monaco and the
French Riviera as well as Monaco law. Many of the sites offer forums where
matters of interest relevant to these new sites may be discussed. The new
sites are:
Monaco Monitor. This is a site
that publishes current news and information about the Principality of Monaco
on as near a real-time basis as possible. The site does not publish
sensational news just for the sake of being sensational, rather, it tries to
publish news and information that is useful and informative and that allows
readers to understand what Monaco is, how it operates, and what makes it such
an interesting and enjoyable place to live and work and to visit.
Monaco Lawyer. This site seeks
to collect useful information about the laws of Monaco, including the text of
the law in French, an English translation, analysis, and comment.
InfoMonaco. This site seeks to
provide a place were people can learn about what is available in Monaco
whether they are coming for a visit or live there on a permanent basis and
leave comments and engage in discussions about their experiences.
The American Club of the Riviera.
The Club and its new website seeks to provide Americans living on the Riviera
with a comfortable environment to come together to exchange views and
information about life on the Riviera from the American perspective.
June 22-25, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, Represents the
International Law and Practice Section at the
NYSBA House of Delegates Meeting in Cooperstown
Mr. Duffy, as one of the Sections three delegates
to the New York State Bar Association House of Delegates, represented the
Section at the Installation Meeting of the House. Chief Judge Judith Kaye
administered the oath of office to incoming president Mark Alcott. In
addition, the House had a very full calendar, including the review and rewrite
of the Code of Ethics that is now under active consideration. There were
also a number of networking and social events associated with the meeting.
Dr. Jean C. Kendall accompanied Mr. Duffy to some of the social events.
June 15-18, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, Represents Firm at
the Lex Mundi Managing Partners' Conference
Mr. Duffy represented the Firm at the annual
Managing Partners' Conference of Lex Mundi that took place in New York this
year. Most of the Lex Mundi member firms were represented at this meeting,
which covered a broad range of topics of interest to the senior managers of teh
Lex Mundi firms. This also offered an excellent opportunity to compare
notes with managing partners from around the world about problems confronting
them and lawyers generally and to see the solutions for those problems from many
different perspectives. Dr. Kendall accompanied Mr. Duffy to some of the
social events related to the meeting.
June 11, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, Attends the Nassau-Suffolk Chapter
100th Anniversary Fordham Law School Dinner in Jericho, New York
Mr. Duffy, as a past President of the Nassau
Suffolk Chapter of the Fordham Law School Alumni Association, attended the 100th
Anniversary dinner for the Law School. Dr. Jean C. Kendall, whom Mr. Duffy had
recently married, attended with him.
27, 2006
P. Duffy, III, and Dr. Jean C. Kendall Wed
Dr. Kendall and Mr. Duffy married at St.
Mary’s Church in Manhasset New York on this date. The Nuptial Mass was
concelebrated by Monsignor John McCann, the pastor of St. Mary’s, and Mr.
Duffy’s Cousin, the Rev. Stephen Duffy. A reception followed at The Port
Washington Yacht Club. More information about the wedding and the events
surrounding it, including photographs and videos, may be found at
www.jandjweddingphotos.us. Dr. Kendall will
keep her name for professional purposes.
19-20, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, Participates in
The International Law and Practice Section
Annual Executive Committee Retreat in New York City
Mr. Duffy, as a former Chair of the New York
State Bar Association International Law and Practice Section, participated in
the Section’s annual retreat for the Section’s Executive Committee of which Mr.
Duffy is a permanent member. In addition to some social event, the meeting
engaged in long range planning for the Section. Members of the Executive
Committee from around the world attended the meeting.
19, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, Participates in the
NYSBA Cross-Border Practice Committee
Meeting with Australia Legal Officials in New York City
Mr. Duffy, as a member of the New York Bar
Association’s Cross-Border Practice Committee met with senior officials of the
Australian Bar and representatives of the Australian Embassy in Washington, DC,
to discuss matters of mutual interest in the international practice of law.
May 11, 2006
James P. Duffy, III Attends the Long Island
Estate Planners Council Annual Dinner with Dr. Kendall
Dr. Kendall joined Mr. Duffy for the Annual
Dinner of the Long Island Estate Planner’s Council that took Place at the
Carltun on the Green in Eisenhower Park. Dr. Kendall and Mr. Duffy sat at
President Reinkar’s table which also included Judge Riordan, the Surrogate of
Nassau County, New York.
April 24-May 1, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, and Dr. Jean C. Kendall Participate in
the annual Monaco Takes New York Festivities in New York City
Dr. Kendall joined Mr. Duffy in
participating in a number of the events that took place honoring Monaco in the
“Monaco Takes New York” festivities that took place in New York under the
sponsorship of the Monaco Government and the Societe des Bains de Mer during
this period.
April 7, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, Introduces CBS’s
Charles Osgood at the American Bar Association
Mr. Duffy introduced his friend, CBS
broadcaster Charles Osgood, as a principal speaker at the American Bar
Association Section of International Law meeting that took place at the Waldorf
Astoria in New York City. As would be expected, Mr. Osgood gave an extremely
interesting and well received talk. Mr. Duffy was on the Steering Committee for
the ABA meeting.
March 31-April 1, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, Represents the
International Law and Practice Section
At the NYSBA House of Delegates Meeting
Mr. Duffy, as one of the Section’s three
Delegates to the New York State Bar Association’s House of Delegates, attended
the House of Delegates meeting events in Albany. The House of Delegates is the
governing body of the New York State Bar Association. The meeting had many
important issues to consider affecting the practice of law in the State of New
York, including new Advertising and Ethics rules.
March 25, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, and Dr. Jean C. Kendall
Attend the Gala de la Bal de La Rose in Monaco
Following the American Club luncheon, Dr.
Kendall accompanied Mr. Duffy to the Bal de la Rose that took place at the Salle
des Etoiles at the Sporting d’Ete in Monaco. The bal is the premier social
event of the winter season and precedes the solemnity of the Lenten season.
Prince Albert, II, attended the bal was accompanied by many members of his
March 25, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, Presides Over the
American Club Meeting at the Mas d’Artigny
Mr. Duffy, as president of the American Club
of the Riviera, presided over the monthly meeting of the Club that took place at
the beautiful Mas d’Artigny, one of the Club’s favorite venues. US Ambassador
Stapleton, the US Ambassador to France, US Consul General Philip Breeden, and a
number of senior officers of the US Navy joined the Club and enjoyed an operatic
presentation that followed lunch. Dr. Jean C. Kendall accompanied Mr. Duffy to
the meeting.
March 6, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, and John Bekian
Represent the Firm at the Dinner for the
New York Office of Lex Mundi Member Firms
The New York offices of Lex Mundi Member
Firms had one of its periodic dinners at Serafina. Mr. Duffy and Mr. Bekian
represented the Firm. The dinner was purely a social event and was well
attended by representatives of the many Lex Mundi Member Firms that have offices
in New York.
March 2-5, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, Represents the Firm
at the Lex Mundi Latin American-Caribbean
Regional Meeting that took place in San Jose, Costa Rica
Mr. Duffy participated in the Lex Mundi
Regional Meeting in San Jose, Costa Rica. Attorneys from a significant
percentage of the Lex Mundi member firms and from every region in which Lex
Mundi has members were present for the meeting, which included, in addition to
some important substantive law and business program, some very interesting
opportunities to learn more about Costa Rica, one of the few nations on earth
that does not have a standing army.
February 25, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, Presides Over the
American Club Meeting at the Carlton Hotel
Mr. Duffy, in his capacity as President of
the American Club of the Riviera, presided over the Club's regular monthly
meeting at the Restaurant Le Cote at the Carlton Hotel in Cannes, France. The
weather accommodated having cocktails on the veranda on the Croisette, the
famous sea-side boulevard of Cannes. Lunch followed in the main dining room of
Le Cote. The meeting was well attended by representatives of the US Navy. Dr.
Jean C. Kendall accompanied Mr. Duffy to the meeting.
February 16-20, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, Represents the Firm at the
TAGLaw Asia Regional Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand
Mr. Duffy represented the Firm at the
Asia-Pacific regional meeting of TAGLaw and TIAG that took place in Bangkok,
Thailand. The meeting began with a very interesting dinner at the home of David
Lyman, the senior partner of Tilleke & Gibbins, the Thai member firm. The
dinner included folk dancing and regional specialties. The meeting also
included some important substantive law and business sessions. The Firm’s
Monaco Office is the exclusive TAGLaw member firm for Monaco.
January 23-28, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, Represents the
International Law and Practice Section at the
Annual Meeting of the New York State Bar Association
Mr. Duffy participated in a number of events
of “Bar Week” as it is called. Bar Week included the Annual Meeting of the
International Law and Practice Section as well as the Annual Meeting of the New
York State Bar Association House of Delegates of which Mr. Duffy is a member
representing the Section. The House of Delegates is the governing body of the
New York State Bar Association.
January 21, 2006
James P. Duffy, III, Installed as
President of the American Club of the Riviera
Mr. Duffy was reelected president of the
American Club of the Riviera for 2006 at the Club’s Installation luncheon held
at the Vista Palace in Roquebrune, France. The Vista Palace is on the side of
one of the mountains high above Monaco and overlooks Monaco. It has magnificent
views up and down the coast deep into France and far into Italy. The meeting
was attended by representatives of the US Navy. Dr. Jean C. Kendall also
attended the meeting with Mr. Duffy.