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December 18, 2002
Mr. Duffy Attends First WSG European
Regional Organizing Committee Meeting
At the World Services Group ("WSG")
Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas, in early October, as part of the organization
process of WSG, Mr. Duffy was appointed to the European Regional Organizing
Committee of WSG. The Committee held its first meeting this day and
discussed how WSG could be more effectively implemented in Europe. The
members expressed satisfaction with the considerable progress made to date in
securing many top law firms throughout Europe and elsewhere and the solid
foundation this provided.
October 17-20, 2002
Paola Rinaldi Represents the Firm at
the Lex Mundi Annual Meeting in South Africa
Paola Rinaldi, who recently received notoriety in
a featured Lex Mundi Success Story in the Lex Mundi Reports, represented
the Firm at the Lex Mundi Annual Meeting in Cape Town, South Africa. Paola
was already well known to a number of the attendees from having worked with them
on Lex Mundi matters, and it was good all to be able to put a face to the name
and voice over the telephone. Having the opportunity to meet colleagues
from around the world with whom you work regularly is one of the important
functions of these meetings, and Paola plans to attend as many future meetings
as possible.
October 16-19, 2002
Kevin T. Murtagh Represents the Firm at
the TAGLaw Fall Meeting in Vienna, Austria
Kevin Murtagh represented the Firm at the TAGLaw
Fall Conference in Vienna, Austria, that was attended by well over 100 TAGLaw
attorneys from over 50 TAGLaw member firms from around the world. This was
Kevin's first effort at representing the Firm at a legal network meeting, and he
says he enjoyed the experience of meeting so many attorneys from different
jurisdictions and comparing notes with them.
October 16-20, 2002
Mr. Duffy Attends and Speaks at
The Fall Meeting of the NYSBA ILPS in Rome
Mr. Duffy, who currently serves as Chair Elect of
the New York State Bar Association International Law and Practice Section
attended the Section's Fall Meeting in Rome. He also was the moderator of
and a speaker on a panel that discussed the ethical implications of the recent
corporate governance scandals. Giovanni P. Prezioso, the General Counsel
of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission also spoke on this panel
from the Commission's headquarters in Washington, DC, via a live interactive
television link.
October 4-5, 2002
Mr. Duffy Attends the Inaugural Meeting
of the World Services Group held in Dallas, Texas
Mr. Duffy was one of about 60 participants who
represented more than 40 member firms in attending the inaugural annual meeting
of the World Services Group that was hosted by the Texas law firm Haynes &
Boone of Dallas. This exciting new concept in the delivery of independent
multidisciplinary professional and business related services got off to a good
start with very active participation by a large number of the founding member
law firms. WSG's website is swiftly becoming operational, and membership
is growing rapidly. The WSG website contains a large number of unique
tools that allow member firms and clients to collaborate together very
effectively. Steve McGarry, who conceived the model for WSG expects it to
become one of the largest and most comprehensive professional service
organizations within a few years.
September 18, 2002
Ted Lapidus Retains Firm
To Enforce French Judgment in New York
The French haut couturier Ted Lapidis retained
the Firm today to enforce a judgment rendered in the French courts in Paris
against a debtor based in New York. The Firm has considerable expertise in
enforcing foreign judgments which is why Ted Lapidus sought its
September 18, 2002
The Firm is Retained to Assist with
the Sale of Commercial Properties in
Luxembourg, Köln, and Washington, DC
The Firm has been retained to represent the
owners of a group of commercial properties in Luxembourg, Köln, Germany, and
Washington, DC., in their sale to a Belgian holding company. The
properties have an aggregate value of about 111 million Euro, and are prime
office building properties in the locations in question. The transactions
are all scheduled to close this calendar year. Mr. Duffy was the lead
attorney on the transaction and was assisted by Paola Rinaldi of the Firm's
Monaco office.
August 30, 2002
The Firm to Assist With the
Redevelopment of a Building in New York City
to Serve as a Permanent Mission to the United Nations
The Firm has been retained to assist a private
company and a foreign government to redevelop a property in the vicinity of the
United Nations in New York City that will ultimately house that foreign
government's permanent mission to the United Nations as well as commercial space
and living quarters space for mission staff. The project contemplates
demolition of the existing structures on the property and the construction of a
55 story building. Mr. Duffy is the lead attorney on the transaction and
will be assisted by Kevin T. Murtagh of the Firm's New York office.
August 29, 2002
The Monaco Office Retained to Assist
With the Creation of a Joint Venture for
the Construction of Power Plants in Romania
The Firm's Monaco office has been retained to
prepare the necessary joint venture agreements and advise the resulting joint
venture regarding a proposed project to design, construct, and operate a series
of 400mw electric power generating facilities in the Republic of
August 12, 2002
The Monaco Office Assists German Client in the
Sale of an Prestige Hungarian Hotel for 25.5 Million Euro
The Firm's Monaco Office assisted a German client
and the client's Luxembourg subsidiary in the negotiation and sale to a Belgian
group of a prestige hotel property in Budapest. The sale, which did not
include the operating contract for the hotel, was valued at more than 25.5
million Euro and included the land, buildings, and leases. The purchase
price was to be paid by a combination of cash and assumable bank
financing. Mr. Duffy was the lead attorney on the transaction and was
assisted by Paola Rinaldi.
August 2, 2002
Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Invited to
Attend the Croix Rouge Ball in Monaco
Mr. and Mrs. Duffy were the guests of a Monaco
Office client at this year's Bal de la Croix Rouge Monegasque in Monaco.
The Red Cross Ball is one of the highlights of the Monaco summer social
season. Other guests at the client's table included the US Consul General
and her husband and the head of the Monaco office of one of the major US
brokerage firms. Prince Rainier III, Princesse Caroline and her husband,
the Prince of Hanover, and Prince Albert also attended the ball along with about
1,100 other participants.
July 13, 2002
Joseph Norton Leaves to Practice
With a Law School Classmate in New Area
Joseph Norton left the Firm today to join with a
law school classmate in a new area of law. This will represent a
considerable change in focus for Joe, and we wish him well in his new
July 3, 2002
James P. Duffy, III, as President of the
American Club of the Riviera, Hosts Prince Albert
and US Sixth Fleet Admiral Fry for the Fourth of July
The American Club of the Riviera held its annual
July Fourth celebration, a dinner dance at the Cafe de Paris in Monaco.
The guests of honor included Prince Albert of Monaco and Admiral Scott Fry, the
Admiral of the United States Sixth Fleet. In addition, to the Prince and
the Admiral, other guests included Ambassador Jacques Boisson, the Ambassador of
Monaco to the United Nations in New York, and Mrs. Maguey Macarrio Doyle, the
Counsel General of Monaco in New York. Click here
to see a picture of the event from the July 5, 2002, edition of the Nice
Matin, the local daily newspaper.
July 1, 2002
Firm Featured in Lex Mundi Success Stories
The Firm and Paola Rinaldi of the Firm's Monaco
Office were the featured Lex Mundi Success Story for the Month of July as a
result of the cooperative effort between the Firm and Gide Loyrette & Nouel,
the French Lex Mundi Member Firm. Click here
to see a copy of the article. See also the item for April
4, 2002, below.
June 4, 2002
The Firm Successfully Enforces a French Judgment in
the United States
The Firm successfully enforced a judgment of the
Tribunal de Grande Instance of Nice, France, rendered against a resident of
Princeton, New Jersey, in the United States of America. The Firm, on
behalf of the judgment creditor, applied to the United States District Court for
New Jersey in Trenton, New Jersey, for an order enforcing the French judgment,
and the United States Court granted the Firm’s application. This
effectively converted the French judgment into a United States judgment that can
be enforced anywhere in the United States. Click here
to see a copy of an article in a local Nice, France, legal periodical commenting
on this case.
May 17, 2002
Monaco Office hosts SEC Enforcement Staff
Today, the Monaco Office hosted SEC Enforcement
Division Deputy Director Richard Sauer, Division Chief Michael Moore, and Staff
Attorney Charles Neal. The purpose of the visit was to meet with Monegasque
Government officials to discuss matters of current common interest. Ms.
Rinaldi also participated in the meeting along with Mr. Duffy.
May 14-15, 2002
Mr. Duffy Attends New York State
Bar Leadership Conference in Albany, NY
Mr. Duffy, as Chair-Elect of the International
Law and Practice Section, attended the New York State Bar Association Bar
Leadership Conference at the home of the Association in Albany. The conference
was designed to encourage networking among the various leaders of the
May 10, 2002
Mr. Duffy Attends Lex Mundi European Regional
Mr. Duffy represented the Firm at the Lex Mundi
European Regional Conference in Copenhagen from May 10th through the 12th. The
conference attracted over 130 attorneys from about 70 countries and offered an
excellent opportunity for Lex Mundi members to renew acquaintances and make new
relationships. As a result of the conference Julio Contraras of the Panama
member firm visited the Firm's Monaco office and met with Paola Rinaldi to
discuss ways in which the two firms could cooperate together.
April 4, 2002
Firm Acts as Local Counsel for Gide for Bank Loan in
Gide Loyrette & Nouel, the French Lex Mundi
member firm, retained the Firm to assist it with the documents and closing of a
20.5 million Euro loan to a biomedical company in Monaco. The Firm prepared
pledge agreements for the pledge of company's ongoing business ("fonds de
commerce") and the shareholder's shares and will attend to their proper
recording in Monaco. The Firm's Monaco office will also serve as the domicile of
the lead bank on the loan. Paola Rinaldi was the working attorney on the matter.
January 23, 2002
James P. Duffy, III, Elected Chair-Elect
of the International Law and Practice Section at the
Annual Meeting of the New York State Bar Association
James P. Duffy, III, was elected Chair-Elect of
the International Law and Practice Section at the Annual Meeting of the New York
State Bar Association. This means he will become Chair of the
Section in 2003. The International Law and Practice Section of the New
York State Bar Association is one of the premier groups of lawyers who practice
international law. Mr. Duffy was a founding member of the Section and has
been involved in its leadership from its beginning. Today, the Section has
over 2000 members and Chapters in more than 30 cities around the world.
January 19, 2002
James P. Duffy, III, Re-elected
President of The American Club of the Riviera
James P. Duffy, III, along with the entire slate
of officers and governors proposed by the nominating committee was unanimously
re-elected president of The
American Club of the Riviera at a luncheon meeting held at the Chateau des
Olleiers in Nice. Among the members and guests present were US
Consul Martha Melzow from the Consulate in Marseilles, France, and her
January 4, 2002
B&D Joins the World Services Group
as a Founding Member of the Organization
When Steven McGarry finished his term as the
President of Lex Mundi, he decided to try to replicate his success with the
formation of an organization he called World Services Group, which was intended
to be a multidisciplinary group of independent providers of services required by
businesses around the globe. After discussions with Mr. McGarry, the Firm
determined WSG could definitely fit into its plans, and the Firm joined in the
organizing of WSG as one of its initial members. Here is a link to the WSG
website where more information about it is available.