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December 17, 2004
Paola Rinaldi Resigns Today
To Join HSBC Legal Department
Paola Rinaldi, who worked in the Firm's Monaco
Office, resigned, effective today, to join the Legal Department of HSBC's Monaco
Office. Ms. Rinaldi worked on some HSBC matters while at the Firm, and
HSBC must have been impressed with her obvious qualifications. We wish her
well in her new activities, which we hope will be both professionally
challenging and rewarding for her.
December 13, 2004
The Firm Obtains Temporary Restraints of
the Citibank Accounts of Viewfinder Inc. d/b/a
firstview.com for Pierre Balmain and Louis Feraud from
the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
Today, the Firm secured temporary restraining
orders from the United States District Court for the Southern District of New
York that blocked Viewfinder's account at Citibank based upon two French court
judgments rendered on May 2, 2001, one in favor of the French haute couturier
firm Pierre Balmain and the other in favor of the French haute couturier firm
Louis Feraud. Balmain and Feraud originally brought suit in the Tribunal
de Grande Instance de Paris against Viewfinder and its firstview.com website for
violating their trademarks and copyrights in their fashion designs that
Viewfinder displayed on its website. These restraints were the preliminary
steps in two separate actions pending before United States District Judge Gerard
E. Lynch of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New
York to enforce the French court judgments in the United States. The Firm
has considerable experience in enforcing foreign court money judgments in the
United States and elsewhere. The judgments in question arise from
copyright and trademark infringement claims that were litigated in the Tribunal
de Grande Instance de Paris and the Cour d'Appel de Paris to which Viewfinder
unsuccessfully appealed. The judgments are in Euro and translate to about
$800,000 each at current exchange rates.
November 25, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, as President of The
American Club of the Riviera, Hosts the Club's
Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon in Monte-Carlo, Monaco
The American Club of the Riviera held its annual
Thanksgiving celebration at the Salle Empire of the Hotel de Paris in
Monte-Carlo, Monaco. The event was well attended by many local dignitaries
as well as twenty-five representatives of the United States Navy, including
Admiral Harry Ulrich, the Admiral of the United States Sixth Fleet and Capt. Jay
Chesnut, the US Navy Sixth Fleet Liaison to France. Admiral Ulrich and
Capt. Chesnut were accompanied by their wives, Mrs. Mary Ulrich and Mrs.
Clementine Chesnut. James P. Duffy, III, as President of the Club presided
over the event. Mr. Duffy was accompanied by Dr. Jean C.
November 16, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, and Steven Krane Represent The
York State Bar Association at USTR Meeting In Washington, DC
The American Bar Association arranged a meeting
with the United States Trade Representative in Washington, DC, to discuss the
status of the pending legal services negotiations under the Doha Round of the
WTO Negotiations. NYSBA Past President Steven Krane and James P. Duffy,
III, represented the NYSBA at this meeting that was also attended by
representatives of about a dozen states. The NYSBA played a major role in
drafting the USTR's negotiating position in the legal services
negotiations. As New York is the de facto international legal capital of
the world, the NYSBA has a large interest in the legal services negotiations and
intends to play a major role in those negotiations.
November 9-14, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, Participates in the
International Law and Practice Section Fall Meeting
Held in Santiago, Chile, at the new Ritz Carlton Hotel
Mr. Duffy, as Immediate Past Chair of the New
York State Bar Association International Law and Practice Section, participated
in the Section's Fall meeting held jointly with the Chilean Bar
Association. The meeting was well attended by lawyers from throughout the
world who specialize in the international practice of the law. Mr. Duffy
also co-chaired a session that discussed New York's proposed
Multi-jurisdictional Practice Rules.
November 6, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, Represents the
International Law and Practice Section at the
NYSBA House of Delegates Meeting in Albany, NY
Following his term as Chair of the International
Law and Practice Section of the New York State Bar Association, Mr. Duffy became
the Section's representative to the House of Delegates of the NYSBA. The
House of Delegates is the body that represents the membership of the
Association. Mr. Duffy represented the Section at the House meeting in
Albany on November 6th. The meeting had a very active agenda and approved,
among other things, measures to increase diversity among the Association's
members. The meeting also considered a report on the question of same sex
marriage in New York, but took no action on the report at this time.
October 31, 2004
The Firm Returns to 3000 Marcus Avenue
At the end of October 2004, the Firm moved its
New York office back to 3000 Marcus Avenue, in Lake Success, New York, directly
across the street from the original meeting place of the General Assembly of the
United Nations. The Firm had its offices at this location for over 17
years from the early 1970's to early 1989. The Firm will occupy additional
space and have room for expansion. The Lake Success location has
considerable international significance because of its association with the
United Nations for many years prior to the UN's occupying its current quarters
in New York City. It is also closer to Manhattan and the New York area
airports and easier to reach from those airports than Manhattan or Garden
City. The Firm's New York telephone numbers remain the same, as do
its email addresses and website addresses. However, the Firm's mailing
address for its New York office is now: 3000 Marcus Avenue, Suite 1 West 2, Lake
Success, New York 11042-1007.
October 30, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, Presides Over Monthly
Meeting of The American Club of the Riviera
At the Grand Hotel du Cap, Cap Ferrat, France
The American Club and its members were delighted
to return to the beautiful Grand Hotel du Cap on the Cap Ferrat in France for
their October luncheon meeting. The weather was beautiful, and the Club
had the cocktail portion of the luncheon on the beautiful veranda overlooking
the Mediterranean. Mr. Duffy, as President of the Club, presided over the
October 24-25, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, Represents the Firm
At the World Services Group Events in Auckland
In Connection with the IBA Annual Meeting in New Zealand
Mr. Duffy represented the Firm at the World
Services Group meeting held in Auckland, New Zealand, in conjunction with the
IBA Annual Meeting held in Auckland, New Zealand. WSG, which has rapidly
become the world's largest professional services group, had representatives of
over 60 member firms in attendance.
October 21-24, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, Represents the Firm
At the 2004 Lex Mundi Annual Meeting and
Introduces Justice Antonin Scalia as Main Speaker
Duffy represented the Firm at the Lex Mundi Annual Meeting held in Auckland, New
Zealand, that was attended by over 170 attorneys from over 70 Lex Mundi Member
firms from more than 70 jurisdictions around the world. US Supreme
Court Justice Antonin Scalia was the featured speaker at the meeting. He
gave an extremely interesting and well received talk following lunch on Friday,
October 22, 2004, that was attended by not only the Lex Mundi members present
but also by the Chief Judge and a number of Associate Judges of the New Zealand
Supreme Court as well as a number of other New Zealand government
officials. The Justice is a personal friend of Mr. Duffy's, and Mr. Duffy
introduced the Justice to the meeting.
October 19-21, 2004
Paola Rinaldi Represents the Firm
At the TAGLaw Fall Meeting in Madrid, Spain
Paola Rinaldi of the Firm's Monaco Office
represented the Firm at the Fall Meeting of TAGLaw that was held in Madrid,
Spain. The meeting was the largest TAGLaw Meeting ever, and it was well
attended by representatives of well over half the TAGLaw member
October 5, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, Chairs Direct Negotiations
Between The Law Society of Upper Canada and
The New York Bar Association Regarding the Mutual
Recognition of Credentials of New York and Ontario Lawyers
Mr. Duffy chaired the second meeting of the NYSBA
and TLSUC to discuss how the two organizations could better serve the needs and
interests of the Bar and clients through the mutual recognition of attorney
credentials. While the discussions are still in their preliminary stages,
there is a strong interest on both sides to find ways to accommodate and
facilitate the practice of law internationally so that lawyers from either
jurisdiction may enter the other jurisdiction and perform home country legal
services for clients without running afoul of unlawful practice issues.
The next meeting is scheduled for New York City in early February
September 17-18, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, Represents the Firm at the
Second Annual Meeting of the World Services Group
The World Services Group held its second annual
meeting at Le Parker Meridien in New York City. Mr. Duffy represented the
Firm, a founding member of WSG, at the meeting. Since its inception three
years ago, WSG has become the largest professional services network in the
world, and the meeting brought together a large number of members from a variety
of professional disciplines to discuss the further evolution and development of
WSG. Steven McGarry, the founder of Lex Mundi, conceived the idea for WSG,
and continues to serve as WSG's President. The meeting elected Jaime Cary
of the Chilean law firm Cary & Co., Santiago, Chile, as WSG's Chair for the
coming year.
September 17, 2004
Pierre Balmain and Louis Feraud Retain the
Firm to Enforce French Court Money Judgments
The well known French haut couturier firms of
Pierre Balmain and Louis Feraud retained the Firm today to enforce judgments
each of them had secured against Viewfinder, Inc., a Delaware corporation with a
place of business in New York. Each of the judgments awards damages in
excess of $600,000 for infringement of intellectual property rights and unfair
competition. The Firm has enjoyed considerable success in enforcing
foreign court money judgments, particularly French court money judgments, in the
United States. Most recently, the Firm enforced an French court money
judgment for Ted Lapidus.
July 15-17, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, Represents the Firm at the
Lex Mundi Latin American Regional Conference in Quito, Ecuador
Mr. Duffy represented the firm at the Lex Mundi
Latin American Regional Conference that took place in Quito, Ecuador, July
15-17, 2004. Quito is about 10,000' high, and, although it is very close
to the Equator, the altitude makes the climate very pleasant. The
conference was well attended and included discussion of many legal and economic
issues specific to Latin America.
July 3, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, Presides at the
July Fourth Dinner Dance in Monaco
of The American Club of the Riviera
James P. Duffy, III, President of the American
Club of the Riviera, presided over the Club's Annual July Fourth Dinner Dance
that took place the evening of July 3, 2004, at the Cafe de Paris in
Monte-Carlo, Monaco. The event welcomed a number of very special guests,
including representatives of the United States Navy, local politicians, and a
very substantial number of Club members.
June 24-26, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, Represents the Firm at
Lex Mundi Managing Partners Conference in New York City
Mr. Duffy represented the firm at the Lex Mundi
Managing Partners Conference that took place in New York City June 24-26,
2004. This was one of the best attended managing partners conferences, and
it afforded Lex Mundi members the opportunity to exchange views about the
importance of Lex Mundi in the various firms' practices and the strategic
directions of Lex Mundi.
May 14-16, 2004
Paola Rinaldi Speaks at the
Lex Mundi North America regional Conference
Paola Rinaldi and James P. Duffy, III,
represented the Firm at the Lex Mundi North America regional Conference meeting
held in Boston on May 14-16, 2004. The Massachusetts Lex Mundi firm, Foley Hoag
LLP, hosted the conference. Ms. Rinaldi spoke as a panelist during the
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Practice Group and the Cross Border Transaction
Practice Group meeting which focused on “Officer and Director liability
as it Relates to Distressed Companies Around the Globe”. Her
presentation was very well received.
April 21, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, Chairs NYSBA
Negotiations with The Law Society of
Upper Canada Regarding Attorney Mobility
Mr. Duffy, Lauren Rachlin, and Leonard Quigley
met at Osgoode Hall in Toronto, Canada, with Senior Officials of The Law Society
of Upper Canada ("TLSUC") to see if it was feasible for the New York
State Bar Association ("NYSBA") and TLSUC to try to work our a joint
arrangement that would permit Ontario attorneys and New York attorneys to
practice in each other's jurisdictions. The participants deemed the
initial discussions to be fruitful and planned to schedule a further meeting in
New York City in the Fall.
March 4-7, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, Represents the Firm at the
Lex Mundi European Regional Conference in Rome
Mr. Duffy represented the Firm at the Lex Mundi
European Regional Conference that took place in Rome May 4-7, 2004. The
conference was attended by most of the European Lex Mundi member firms as well
as representatives from other regions as well.
January 28, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, Completes Term
as Chair of the New York State Bar
Association International Law and Practice Section
Mr. Duffy completed his term today as the Chair
of the International Law and Practice Section at the Section's Annual meeting at
the Marriott Marquis in New York City. The formal ceremonies took place at
the Section's annual luncheon that was well attended by attorneys from many
jurisdictions around the world. Mr. Duffy was pleased to install into
office Paul M. Frank of Alston & Bird as his successor.
January 24, 2004
James P. Duffy, III, Reelected
President of The American Club of the Riviera
James P. Duffy, III, was reelected today as
President of The American Club of the Riviera at the Club's Election Meeting
held at the Chateau des Ollieres in Nice, France. The meeting was well
attended by many of Mrs. Duffy's friends and they held a moment of silence in
her memory.